How Can Nursing Administration Professionals Support Nurses?

Achieving both efficiency and excellence in today’s fast-paced care delivery settings is one of the greatest challenges for nursing. However, with support from nursing administration professionals, it is possible to maintain optimal patient outcomes and foster healthy work environments. Graduates of Radford University’s online Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in Nursing Administration program excel in providing this crucial support to nurses.

Through a curriculum centered on topics such as financial management, organizational behavior and legal issues in healthcare, graduates develop the skill sets to mentor and guide nurses as they advance their careers. Through the Organizational Behavior and Human Resources course and Interprofessional Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice Roles course, students learn the importance of mentorship and how to advocate for their colleagues while building a culture of collaborative excellence.

Benefits of Administrative Support

Nurses benefit significantly from nursing administrative support, feeling more valued and heard in their workplace, which contributes to better quality care. Following are additional benefits of administrative support:

  • Improved morale and job satisfaction
  • Enhanced professional development opportunities
  • Reduced burnout and fatigue
  • Increased retention rates among nurses
  • Better patient outcomes
  • Better work-life balance
  • Clearer communication and feedback
  • Advocacy for resources and staffing needs
  • Optimized scheduling and workload management
  • Positive organizational culture

Strategies for Support as a Nursing Administrator

The benefits of administrator support are plentiful, but achieving these outcomes requires administrative professionals to take specific actions within their organizations, including the following:


One of the primary roles of nursing administrators is advocacy for patients and nursing staff. Administrators witness firsthand the impacts of insufficient resources and staffing, such as undue stress on employees and patients. Administrators can spearhead changes to bring more robust support and resources and create an environment where nurses can access ongoing professional development opportunities.

Nursing administrators’ advocacy efforts can impact the profession long before nurses reach the workforce. For example, “administrators of nursing schools have an opportunity to remove barriers to nursing education for students from socioeconomically disadvantaged groups,” notes Nurse Leader.


Nursing administrators can bring meaningful change by mentoring nurses and providing guidance, support and encouragement as they navigate their professional journeys. Mentoring relationships establish trust and collaboration, empowering nurses to voice their concerns and seek advice when needed.

These relationships have tangible benefits for all parties. According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), “The wisdom gained from years of nursing experience can’t be easily defined. Rather than gaining proficiency through trial and error and lessons learned over the years, nursing mentorship can benefit the nurse mentor, the mentee, and the organization.”


A nursing environment that lacks open communication can breed mistrust, dissatisfaction and stress. Nurse administrators who foster workplace communication can ease tension and misunderstandings, contributing to an environment that respects everyone’s opinions and encourages people to voice their needs and concerns.

Listening and Feedback

Good listening skills are a must for nursing administrators. By paying attention to what nurses say and experience, administrators can determine areas for improvement and make plans to address the situation.

Administrators adept at using various communication styles and conflict-resolution strategies can help nurses overcome work-related problems and frustrations. These conversations may also identify critical aspects of employee growth and lead to tailored development plans for nurses to advance their careers.


Turnover and job dissatisfaction are common problems in nursing, and both may correlate to unsustainable work schedules and too little support. Nursing administrators can design policies that ensure reasonable work hours, breaks and workloads to improve nurses’ well-being and prevent burnout. Additionally, administrators can promote a healthy work-life balance by providing resources for stress management and self-care and nurturing a culture of appreciation.

Ultimately, the top nursing administration professionals understand the needs of nurses. By offering guidance, resources and a positive work environment, they assist nurses in their professional growth while improving care delivery and patient outcomes. Graduates of Radford University’s online MSN in Nursing Administration program have the skills and knowledge to foster nurses’ development and improve their performance.

Learn more about Radford University’s online MSN in Nursing Administration program.

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